ERAS Guidelines: Same Day Discharge

Over the past two decades, and especially after the publication of the GOG LAP2 trial, minimally invasive surgery has been widely adopted in gynecologic oncology, as it is associated with lower rates of complications, and improved postoperative recovery and return to normal activity. Postoperative hospitalization is typically shorter after minimally invasive (MIS) hysterectomy, and many patients may even be candidates for discharge on the day of surgery, so-called same-day discharge (SDD). Tune in to this episode, brought to you by the ERAs Subcommittee, which focuses on same-day discharge as part of Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS).
Lee-may Chen, MD;
2023-24 Subcommittee Lead and Moderator

Nawar Latif, MD, MPH, MSCE
Clarissa Polen-De, MD
Michael Shu, MD
Collin Sitler, DO
Brenna Swift, MD, MASc, MSc, FRCSC
Diogo Torres, MD
2023-24 Subcommittee members
Keywords: ERAS, Enhanced Recovery After Surgery, patient care 

Target Audience

SGO Members

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