Session 2: Root Causes of Health Disparities

To be able to truly make a difference in the lives of your LGBTQ+ patients, it’s important to understand the unique factors and obstacles they face in health and health care. Throughout this session, you will identify the fundamental causes of health disparities in LGBTQ+ communities and the top health risks and related outcomes for this population. You’ll find out how social determinants of health impact historically marginalized populations and be introduced to the concept of intersectionality and structural discrimination. By the end of this fully online, self-guided, interactive session, you should be able to demonstrate how the knowledge of socially determined health risks impact patient treatment and/or their healthcare experience.

Developed in collaboration with the National LGBTQ Cancer Network, this is the first of a series of eight sessions in the course.

Released in May 2022. 

Target Audience

Health Care Providers, Physicians, Trainees, APPs, Fellows, Residents, Pharmacists, Nurses, Office Staff

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the fundamental causes of health disparities in LGBTQ+ communities
  • Identify top health risks and related outcomes for this population
  • Explain and demonstrate how social determinants of health impact historically marginalized populations
  • Explore intersectionality and structural discrimination
  • Demonstrate how knowledge of socially determined health risks impact patient treatment and/or their healthcare experience

Additional Information

PDF icon Learner Notification171.32 KB
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.00 Participation
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

Session 2 of this series is not currently offering CE credit. 

Available Credit

  • 1.00 Participation


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